After many many years of work and rework "In Love & Light vol 2" is finally ready for release... it has been too long and I apologize for the length of time it took to complete this one but I hope you enjoy it.

There is much to tell you about this one and for starters I think it measures up to volume one which was no easy task. Many of the same vocalists and musicians are a part of volume 2 but there are also some new collaborators to tell you about. Dominique is a vocalist featured on 'Enough' and 'From Now On' who brings a Tori meets Jewel sound to the album. I love her voice and was hooked when I first heard many years ago and I am so happy to have her here on the In Love & Light series. Yoko Kamitani whom I met in DC and was just charmed by her poise and fervent desire to make music and follow her dream can be heard on 'In Love & Light Reprise' only because she insisted to sing on what was an instrumental from the last album and what is know a perfect first song for volume two re-exploring the title song and bringing a fresh take and energy to a song that was born on my Kalimba. Angeli Murthy is also new to the mix and after producing her solo album I had to have here on this one and she can be heard on 'Santoora' and 'The Impossible'. A new friend and talented Iranian artist by the name of Aida is sprinkled over the last song 'Rain' but you will hear more of her on volume three which is nearing completion. I met Aida two years ago in San Francisco during an amazing musical retreat that I was recording and engineering for. She is reminiscent of Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance whom I have been a fan of since I was 15. On the musician side I introduce my bass player from the Jette-Ives project Mathew Lewis who can be heard playing stand up bass on many pieces and then also bringing his classical guitar skills to 'Solaris' and 'Enough'. Winston Yu brings his stunning violin talents to 'La Verdad' which is a tango sung by the euphonic Susan Oetgen. Bauback Yehaneh returns with his lilting classical guitar and writing gracing the album on many of the songs.
The album can be purchased on iTunes digitally and on CD from and Amazon.
I do hope you make this music yours and that you return for volume three and discover volume one if you have not already.
Love & Light Holmes Ives
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